One of the biggest pitfalls black creatives fall susceptible to in starting a business, inventing a product, or creating work is failure to obtain proper protection of those creations. However, this isn’t always attributed to lack of effort in the black community; lack of access to intellectual property protection often is a result of an inequitable playing field.
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Why did you get married? Why do you plan on getting married? I’m not trying to change anyone's mind or sway your beliefs but as i’ve gotten older I have realized that marrying for love, solely, isn’t the best decision to make when going into a marriage. For one, we have all seen plenty of examples where marriages last for decades and towards the end or after you are at least 15-20 years in, one of the spouses finds out about some type of infidelity. Most of the time you don’t even have to wait that long, ain’t that right Derrick Jaxn???? There is nothing that anyone can do about a spouse who chooses to be unfaithful or just falls out of love with their partner. One thing you may want to do though is ensure a very comfortable future for yourself and/or any children that are the product of your relationship
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Often, we as Black women are told that we are hard, loud, and angry. Those titles that are placed on us by society and given life by our constant attempt to combat those stereotypical notions REALLY take a toll on our psyche and add more strain then necessary. The thing about being strong is that you don’t have to be strong all the time. I want society to understand that Black women hurt just like women of other races hurt. We are allowed to be sensitive and emotional and passionate without being labeled as problematic because of it. What needs to be called out is the way of thinking when it comes to the world’s definition of Black women. We are not treated fairly or taken seriously in most cases and we are not expected to react to things that offend us and if we do then we are the antagonist and the issue is ours, and ours alone. At the same time we are expected to sulk it up and take all issues with a grain of salt. As i spoke to most of my people, I realized that the idea of the “strong Black woman” isn’t favorable in the least. It actually victimizes more than it strengthens.
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A homegirl and I were texting about men and how they start a conversation to “shoot their shot”. I realized that either one or both parties are never really upfront about their intentions. On one side, I believe that pride or fear will not let men be upfront about what they want for the moment because they think most women want to establish a permanent status within a short time. As a result, they fear (and want to avoid) what will happen if they tell a woman that it’s just dating, nothing more, nothing less, which causes the practice of “ghosting” or dealing with someone because they are a time filler.
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Studies have shown, though, that just spending time with a dog relieves stress. Of course owning one might cause a little stress but the good outweighs the bad, that’s my word. There are organizations out there that allow you to cuddle with pups. The Humane Society is happy to accept individuals to volunteer with dogs. Your local police department may even have programs that allow you to take one home for a dog-cation over the weekend. I know the one in Charlotte, NC is always looking for more people!
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When it comes to Black girls or women, why are our bodies needing to be tamed or controlled for the likes of someone being uncomfortable with sexuality that we are not intentionally putting out? Why are our bodies sexualized from such a young age and we are penalized for our shapes? There are plenty of white women or women of other races that make it their mission to shove their sexuality down the throats of everyone in the world, and they argue that they are fluid and free and their bodies are not science projects and shouldn’t be the topic of any political decision.
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